Loryn Lewis, CPHD

Project Manager

Bachelor of Architecture

University of Colorado

Loryn, a Colorado local, returned to her Rocky Mountain roots after spending the better part of the last decade in San Francisco where she worked primarily in high-end custom residential architecture. A designer in touch with hands-on making, Loryn worked at an award-winning metal fabrication firm upon graduation from the University of Colorado and built her own off-grid cabin in upstate New York with her partner. As a project architect and manager, she shares a commitment to collaborating with artisans and crafts people in forming high-performance delivery teams. Loryn is passive house certified and actively pursuing her architectural license.

Outside of work, Loryn and her husband are regularly chasing around their toddler while renovating their historic home in Denver. She travels often to immerse herself in architecture and culture; from the works of Tadao Ando and James Turrell in Japan to the buildings of Luis Barragan and David Chipperfield in Mexico City. She even named her dog, ‘Le Corbusier’, after visiting Villa Savoye outside Paris. Despite being a new mom, she is an active member in her book club and golf league.